Bids and Requests for Proposals
Current Bids and RFPs
RFP 25-800 – Portable Classrooms District Standard Furniture
The Roseville City School District (RCSD) is dedicated to serving the educational needs of over 12,000 students across 21 schools. RCSD is requesting proposals for the supply, delivery, and installation of classroom furniture for 10 Portable Classrooms at one of our middle schools. This RFP outlines the specifications, requirements, and selection criteria for purchasing new furniture that will support the district’s educational environment and provide comfort and functionality for students and teachers.
- RFP-19-901 - Appendix C.pdf
- RFP-19-901 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP 19-902
- RFP-19-902 - Appendix A.pdf
- RFP-19-902 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP-19-902 - Appendix C.pdf
- RFP 19-903
- RFP-19-903 - Appendix A.pdf
- RFP-19-903 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP-19-903 - Appendix C.pdf
- RFP-19-903 - Appendix D.pdf
- RFP-19-904.pdf
- RFP-19-904 - Appendix A.pdf
- RFP-19-904 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP-19-904 - Appendix C.pdf
- RFP-19-905.pdf
- RFP-19-905 - Appendix A.pdf
- RFP-19-905 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP-19-905 - Appendix C.pdf
- RFP-19-904 - Q&A 1.pdf
- RFP-19-902 - Q&A 1.pdf
- RFP-19-902 - Appendix B rev2.xlsx
- RFP-19-901 - Appendix B rev2.xlsx
- RFP-19-901 - Q&A 1.pdf
- RFP-19-903 - Appendix B rev2.xlsx
- RFP-19-903 - Q&A 1.pdf
- RFP-19-905 - Q&A 1.pdf
- RFP-19-905_PAN_pre-scoping_questionnaire.docx
- RFP 20-905
- RFP 20-905 - Appendix C.pdf
- RFP 20-905 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP 20-905 Appendix A.pdf
- RFP 20-904
- RFP 20-904 Appendix C.pdf
- RFP 20-904 Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP 20-904 Appendix A.pdf
- RFP 20-903
- RFP 20-903 Appendix C.pdf
- RFP 20-903 Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP 20-903 Appendix A.pdf
- RFP 20-902
- RFP 20-902 Appendix C.pdf
- RFP 20-902 Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP 20-902 Appendix A.pdf
- RFP 20-901
- RFP 20-901 Appendix C.pdf
- RFP 20-901 Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP 20-901 Appendix A.pdf
- RFP-20-905 - Q&A 1.pdf
- RFP-20-902 - Q&A 1.pdf
- RFP-20-905 - Appendix B.REV2.xlsx
- RFP-20-905 - Q&A 2.pdf
- RFP 20-906: Unified Endpoint Management Solution & Services
- RFP 20-906: Appendix C – Pricing Worksheet
- RFP21-910 - Telecommunications Services - Internet Services (Category 1)
- RFP21-910 - Appendix A
- RFP21-910 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP21-910 - Appendix C
- RFP21-915 - Ethernet Switches (Category 2)
- RFP21-915 - Appendix A
- RFP21-915 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP21-915 - Appendix C
- RFP21-916 - Wireless (Category 2)
- RFP21-916 - Appendix A
- RFP21-916 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP21-916 - Appendix C
- RFP21-917 - Uninterruptible Power Supply (Category 2)
- RFP21-917 - Appendix A
- RFP21-917 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP21-917 - Appendix C
- RFP21-920 - Ethernet Services - WAN_MAN RIPCOE Consortium (Category 1)
- RFP21-920 - Appendix A
- RFP21-920 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP21-920 - Appendix C
- RFP21-921 - Ethernet Switches - RIPCOE
- RFP21-921 - Appendix A
- RFP21-921 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP21-921 - Appendix C
- RFP21-920 - Q & A 1
- RFP21-916 - Appendix B. Rev1.xlsx
- RFP21-916 - Wireless (Category 2) - BID REVISION NOTICE 1
- RFP21-916 - Wireless (Category 2).Rev1
- RFP21-920 - Q & A 2
- RFQ 21 - C80 Elementary School Project
- RFQ 21 - C80 Elementary School Project ADDENDUM #1
- RFQ 21 - C80 Elementary School Project ADDENDUM #2
- RFQ 21 - C80 Elementary School Project DBE Shortlist_10-1-21
- RFP22-911 - Ethernet Services - WAN_MAN
- RFP22-911 - Appendix D - Waivers & Agreements
- RFP22-911 - Appendix C - Qualifications_Questions
- RFP22-911 - Appendix B - Bid sheet
- RFP22-911 - Appendix A - Facility Addresses
- RFP22-915 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements
- RFP22-915 - Appendix B - Bidsheet
- RFP22-915 - Appendix A - Facility Addresses
- RFP22-915 - Ethernet Switches (Category 2)
- RFP22-916 - Appendix B - Bidsheet
- RFP22-916 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements
- RFP22-916 - Appendix A - Facilities Addresses
- RFP22-916 - Wireless (Category 2)
- RFP22-917 - Appendix B - Bidsheet
- RFP22-917 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements
- RFP22-917 - Appendix A - Facilities Addresses
- RFP22-917 - Uninterruptible Power Supply (Category 2)
- RFP22-918 - Firewall Services
- RFP22-918 - Appendix A - Facilities Addresses
- RFP22-918 - Appendix B
- RFP22-918 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements
- RFP22-919 Internal Connections Cabling Infrastructure & Communication Closet Uplift
- RFP22-919 - Appendix A - Facilities Addresses
- RFP22-919 - Appendix B - Site Info
- RFP22-919 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements
- RFP22-919 - Addendum 1
- RFP22-919 - Appendix B - Site Info v2
- RFP22-918 - Addendum 1
- RFP22-918 - Appendix B - Bidsheet -v2
- RFP22-917 - Addendum 1
- RFP22-916 - Addendum 1
- RFP22-916 - Appendix B - Bidsheet -v2
- RFP22-915 - Addendum 1
- RFP22-915 - Appendix B - Bidsheet -v2
- RFP22-911 - Addendum 1
- RFP22-919 - Site Walk Questions
- RFP22-919 - Questions
- RFP22-918 - Questions
- RFP22-917 - Questions
- RFP22-916 - Questions
- RFP22-915 - Questions
- RFP22-911 - Questions
- RFP23-911 - Appendix A - Facility Addresses
- RFP23-911 - Appendix B - Bid sheet.xlsx
- RFP23-911 - Appendix C - Qualifications_Questions
- RFP23-911 - Appendix D - Waivers & Agreements
- RFP23-911 - Ethernet Services - WAN_MAN (Category 1)
- RFP23-915 - Appendix A - Facility Addresses
- RFP23-915 - Appendix B - Bidsheet.xlsx
- RFP23-915 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements
- RFP23-915 - Ethernet Switches (Category 2)
- RFP23-916 - Appendix A - Facility Addresses
- RFP23-916 - Appendix B - Bidsheet.xlsx
- RFP23-916 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements
- RFP23-916 - Wireless LAN Systems (Category 2)
- RFP23-917 - Appendix A - Facility Addresses
- RFP23-917 - Appendix B - Bidsheet.xlsx
- RFP23-917 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements
- RFP23-917 - Uninterruptible Power Supply (Category 2)
- RFP23-919 - Appendix A - Facility Addresses
- RFP23-919 - Appendix B
- RFP23-919 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements
- RFP23-911 - Questions
- RFP23-919 - Questions
- RFP23-917 - Questions
- RFP23-916 - Questions
- RFP23-915 - Questions
- RFP23-915 - Addendum 1
- RFP23-915 - Appendix B - Bidsheet.v2
- RFP23-916 - Addendum 1
- RFP23-916 - Appendix B - Bidsheet.v2
- RFP23-919 - Site Walk Questions
- RFP24-915 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements.pdf
- RFP24-916 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements.pdf
- RFP24-917 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements.pdf
- RFP24-916 - Wireless LAN Systems (Category 2).pdf
- RFP24-916 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP24-915 - Appendix B.xlsx
- RFP24-915 - Ethernet Switches (Category 2).pdf
- RFP24-917 - Uninterruptible Power Supply (Category 2).pdf
- RFP24-917 - Appendix B - Bidsheet.xlsx
- RFP24-919 - Appendix B.pdf
- RFP24-919 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements.pdf
- RFP24-919 - Internal Connection Cabling Infrastructure & Communications Closet Uplift.pdf
- RFP24-916 - Addendum 1.pdf
- RFP24-916 - Appendix B.v2.xlsx
- RFP24-916 - Questions.pdf
- RFP24-919 - Questions.pdf
- RFP24-919 - Site Walk & Questions.pdf
- RFP 24-900 Pricing Worksheet
- RFP 24-900 Multi-purpose Room Audio Video System Modernization
- RFP25-915 - Appendix A - Facility Addresses.pdf
- RFP25-915 - Appendix B - Bidsheet.xlsx
- RFP25-915 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements.pdf
- RFP25-915 - Ethernet Switches (Category 2).pdf
- RFP25-916 - Appendix A - Facility Addresses.pdf
- RFP25-916 - Appendix B - Bidsheet.xlsx
- RFP25-916 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements.pdf
- RFP25-916 - Wireless LAN Systems (Category 2).pdf
- RFP25-916 - Appendix A - Facility Addresses.pdf
- RFP25-917 - Appendix A - Facility Addresses.pdf
- RFP25-917 - Appendix B - Bidsheet.xlsx
- RFP25-917 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements.pdf
- RFP25-919 - Appendix B - Site Map.pdf
- RFP25-919 - Appendix C - Waivers and Agreements.pdf
- RFP25-919 - Internal Connection Cabling Infrastructure & Communications Closet Uplift.pdf
- RFP25-916 - Wireless LAN Systems (Category 2).pdf
- RFP25-917 - Uninterruptible Power Supply (Category 2).pdf
- RFP25-919 - Appendix A - Facility Addresses.pdf
- RFP25-919 - Site Walk Sign-in and Discussion.pdf
- RFP25-919 - Appendix B - Site Map v2.pdf
- Read more
Archived RFPs
RFP 24-900 - Multi-purpose Room Audio Video System Modernization
The Roseville City School District (RCSD) is dedicated to serving the educational needs of over 12,000 students across 21 schools. Utilizing modern instructional methods, we aim to equip our students with the skills and confidence needed to thrive in an ever-evolving, technology-driven global landscape.
- RFP 17-910
- Addendum A
- RFP-17-900
- RFP-17-900 - Appendix B
- RFP-17-900 - Appendix C
- RFP-17-900 - Appendix A
- RFP-17-900-Addendum1
- RFP-17-901
- RFP-17-901 - Appendix B
- RFP-17-901 - Appendix C
- RFP-17-901 - Appendix A
- RFP-17-901-Addendum1
- RFP-17-903
- RFP-17-903 - Appendix C
- RFP-17-903b - Appendix B
- RFP-17-903-QA1
- RFP-17-903 - Appendix A
- RFP-17-903-Addendum1
- RFP-17-904
- RFP-17-904 - Appendix B
- RFP-17-904 - Appendix C
- RFP-17-904 - Appendix A
- RFP-17-905
- RFP-17-905 - Appendix B
- RFP-17-905 - Appendix C
- RFP-17-905-QA1
- RFP-17-905 - Appendix A
- RFP-17-905-Addendum1
- RFP-17-906
- RFP-17-906 - Appendix B
- RFP-17-906 - Appendix C
- RFP-17-906-QA1
- RFP-17-906 - Appendix A
- RFP-17-906-Addendum1
- RFP-17-907
- RFP-17-907 - Appendix B
- RFP-17-907 - Appendix C
- RFP-17-907-QA1
- RFP-17-907 - Appendix A
- RFP-17-907-Addendum1
- RFP 18-900: Pricing Worksheet
- RFP 18-900: Website Design, Hosting, and Maintenance
- RFP 18-905
- RFP 18-904
- RFP 18-903
- RFP 18-902
- RFP 18-901
- RFP # 19-900 Addendum 1
- RFP 19-900: Pricing Worksheet
- RFP 19-900: Fixed Asset Inventory & Asset Management System
- Read more