
Roseville City School District

June 2024
Superintendent's Message

As we begin our summer vacation, I am filled with immense pride and gratitude for our entire school community. This last school year has been a remarkable journey of learning, growth, and resilience. We have witnessed incredible achievements from our students, unwavering dedication from our staff, and invaluable support from our families. Here are some summer updates:

Honoring Our Retirees

First, I would like to take a moment to honor our retirees. These individuals have dedicated countless years to nurturing and educating our students, shaping the future one child at a time. Their commitment and passion have left an indelible mark on RCSD, and they will be deeply missed. We wish them all the best in their well-deserved retirement and hope they enjoy this new chapter in their lives. Help us wish them a happy retirement!

Classified Retirees

  • Denise Archer
  • Teri Bates
  • Bety Bracco
  • Rosanne Douglas
  • Wendy Ehlen
  • Schelli Landreth
  • Laurie Milton

Certificated Retirees

  • Terri Anderson
  • David Barber
  • Marla Camp
  • Aidan Galyen
  • Kymberly Gordon
  • Heather Hall
  • Adam Hentschke
  • Tamme Holderread
  • Laura Hopkins
  • Carole Irvine
  • Linda Logie
  • Susan Muscarella
  • Andrew Padilla
  • Jill Petersen
  • Janice Smith

Looking Ahead to the Next School Year

As we bid farewell to this school year, we are also eagerly preparing for the next. The first day of school next year is August 8, 2024. This marks the beginning of another exciting chapter, filled with new faces—both students and staff—ready to embark on their educational journeys.

Our dedicated team of educators and support staff will be working tirelessly over the summer to ensure everything is in place for a smooth and successful start. From updating schedules and preparing classrooms, to enhancing our facilities and planning engaging activities, we are committed to providing an enriching, safe, and welcoming environment for all.

The Importance of Summer Break

Summer break is a valuable time for everyone in our school community. It is an opportunity to rest, relax, and recharge. We encourage our students and staff to take this time to enjoy family, explore new interests, and simply unwind. It’s essential to return to school rejuvenated and ready to engage fully in the learning process.

Please remember to review the upcoming school year’s calendar, which includes important dates and events. Ensuring that vacations and breaks align with this schedule will help us maximize instructional time and allow everyone to be present and focused during school days.

Summer Meal Program 

For many of our students, school is where they receive a majority of their nutrition. We don’t want any student going hungry over break, so free breakfast and lunch will be offered from June 6- August 2, 2024 at Cirby, Woodbridge, Antelope Crossing and Barrett Ranch. We’ve teamed up with Dry Creek Joint Elementary School District and USDA to offer meals to anyone 18 years and under, no registration required. See the flier, our Facebook page or call 916-771-1675 for more details and time. 

Gratitude and Best Wishes

I extend my heartfelt gratitude to all our staff, students, and families for their hard work and dedication throughout the year. Your contributions have made this school year truly special.

As we transition into summer, I wish everyone a safe, restful, and enjoyable break. I look forward to welcoming you back on Thursday, August 8, refreshed and ready for another year of learning and growth.


May 2024
Superintendent's Message

The Home Stretch: Finishing the 2023-2024 School Year Strong

As the sunny days of May arrive and the school year winds down, our students and classrooms begin reflecting on their journey. We often emphasize the fresh start of September, like setting goals and forging ahead with enthusiasm. Winter break serves as a mid-point checkpoint, a chance to assess progress and recharge.


April 2024
Superintendent's Message

A Season of Transition 

As April graces us with warmer days and longer sunshine, we find ourselves in another season of change. While families anticipate transitions from one grade to the next, with many middle schoolers stepping up to high school, our dedicated staff gears up for the final stretch of the academic year.


March 2024
Superintendent's Message

Students, Spring and Golf Swings! 

We are gearing up for what is sure to be a bustling spring on campuses and throughout our RCSD communities! As we make our way through the second half of the school year, I wanted to share some updates from across our district.


February 2024
Superintendent's Message

Student Registration and The Month of Love!

It’s chilly, love is in the air and my car was covered in rain this morning – it must be February at RCSD! As we prepare for the 2024-25 school year (already!), student registration becomes a crucial step as RCSD plans for staffing, facilities, programming, after-school opportunities, and more for the upcoming year. 


January 2024
Superintendent's Message

Here’s to 2024…and 94 more!

As we usher in 2024, a new year brings a sense of renewal, opportunity, and the chance to build upon the foundations of success we’ve established as a close-knit educational community. Once we return from winter break, we have 94 days left to make the most out of this school year. That’s at least 94 opportunities to challenge oneself, learn something new, master a skill, improve our performance, and seek connections.


December 2023
Superintendent's Message

A December To Cherish 

December is a cherished month within the RCSD community, marked not only by the excited students and festive staff members but also by a profound sense of togetherness that defines our district family. As we eagerly anticipate the winter break and holiday season, it’s a time for reflection on the year’s achievements and the importance of the bonds we share within our educational family.


October 2023
Superintendent's Message

Consistency Compounds for our RCSD Champions!

Balancing Fall Festivities and Wellness: Tips from Our School Superintendent

It feels like I’ve been waiting for the start of fall for an entire year – and I absolutely have! Fall signals the holidays are upon us. From our first order of a pumpkin spice latte to the fall festivities, it really is a wonderful time in education. Students and staff are deep into their lessons and curriculum and we can count the weekends until 2024!


September 2023
Superintendent's Message

Consistency Compounds for our RCSD Champions!

As September unfolds, school morning routines are gradually becoming more familiar and routine for our RCSD Champions. Kindergartners are enjoying smoother drop-offs while our middle schoolers can now recall with ease the location of each of their classes while they learn how to manage their time during the passing period. Resilience and time management: These are just a couple skills our students learn through consistent practice and attendance. Consistency is key!


August 2023
Superintendent's Message

Maximizing The School Year Through Preparation and Partnership 

The smell of freshly sharpened pencils, the sound of zipping up a new backpack, the excitement of picking out the first day of school outfit – August has arrived! As over 11,900 students prepare to begin the 2023-24 school year at RCSD, it’s essential for families to stay organized and informed about the various activities and events that lie ahead.

Here are the major details you’ll need to start the school year off like a true #RCSDChampion!


June 2023
Superintendent's Message

Soaring into Summer

As we embrace summer, while the noise level at our school sites is quieter, at our district office, we’re diligently working all summer to ensure our campuses and classrooms are maintained and prepared for August. From thorough classroom cleaning to essential software updates, from hiring talented new staff members to undertaking numerous Maintenance and Facilities Department projects – we leave no stone unturned in our commitment to educational excellence!


May 2023
Superintendent's Message

A Sprint to the Finish

As the school year nears its end, it’s important to pause and reflect on where we are, where we’ve been and where we’re headed. We often talk about the beginning of the school year as the starting line and that’s certainly true. It’s when we implement our plans, strive to reach our goals and put our best foot forward. But just as important is the halfway point, also known as winter break. This is when we take stock of our progress, adjust our plans if necessary and recharge our batteries for the final stretch.


April 2023
Superintendent's Message

A Season of Transition

One of my favorite aspects of April, other than the warmer, longer days, is that spring ushers in a season of transition. All of our students and their families are preparing for transitions from one grade to the next, many graduating from our RCSD middle schools and stepping up to the big league – high school. But as our families enjoy a spring break respite from the hustle and bustle of the school year, our staff are readying themselves for the final push of the year.


March 2023
Superintendent's Message

We are gearing up for what is sure to be a bustling spring on campuses and throughout our RCSD communities! 

As we make our way through the second half of the school year, I wanted to share that we are seeing the same trend that school districts across the nation are seeing: increased absenteeism. 


February 2023
Superintendent's Message

Have you ever noticed that without a plan, time just starts flying by and we don’t accomplish as much? I have found time and time again that developing and instituting a solid plan helps keep us on track and accountable – both individually and as a whole. 

I carry that philosophy through all my work at RCSD, and that’s why I’m ready to help each of you plan for 2023-2024! Yes, it’s already that time: Priority registration and after-school care options for the next school year are officially underway. 


January 2023
Superintendent's Message

Welcome to the second half of the school year. Like many of you, I’m eager for a new year and a fresh start. 

We have so much to be proud of at RCSD. As we move into 2023, I encourage each of us to keep looking ahead with an eye on how we can work together to best serve our students – not just today but far into the future. We have overcome a lot in recent years, so let’s keep moving forward. There’s no need to look back – that’s not where we’re going! 


December 2022
Superintendent's Article

December is truly one of my favorite times of year on campus – excited kids, staff members looking festive, and the general air of joy as we count down to a fun winter break and holiday season. 


November 2022
Superintendent's Article

Has anyone noticed how busy life has felt this academic year? Instead of getting caught up in the word “busy,” I like to think of it from the standpoint of life being full. Full of people, full of activity and full of fun! I encourage each RCSD family to make November a month of kindness and gratitude. 


October 2022
Superintendent's Article

Professional Development Makes All the Difference!

I’ve always loved watching our school district operate similar to a little city within a city. Each and every one of us–staff, admin, students, educators, volunteers and families–plays an important role in our district. Like cogs in a clock, we all work best when we’re working together and given the tools to do the job. So it’s important to me that everyone receives the support and resources they deserve so they can do and feel their best.


Superintendent’s Article
September 2022

Welcome to the 2022/23 School Year! 

I’ll just say it – I love the familiar schedule and predictability of the school year – and I know many families do, too! As we welcome the rhythm of the academic year, I think most of us are feeling a sense of optimism for what looks to be the most “normal” start to school we’ve had in a long time.