Purchasing Services
Purchasing Services
Who We Are and What We Do
Welcome to the Roseville School District Purchasing Services Department!
Our mission is to effectively meet the educational needs of our students and community by providing District-wide support to our schools and employees. Procurement policies and procedures are established so that California law and best practices are followed in order to:
- Save the District money, time, and risk
- Protect the District against liability, fraud, and inappropriate business practices
- Embody the “7 Rights of Purchasing” which are — obtain the right materials or services (meeting quality requirements) in the right quantity for delivery at the right time to the right place from the right source (a responsive and responsible supplier) with the right service at the right price.
Many district activities include the involvement or support from Purchasing, from furnishing new schools to daily delivery of mail. As a service department, Purchasing is committed to assisting school sites and district departments with their procurement, delivery, and communication needs.
The responsibility for the procurement of materials and services for the District is centralized in the Purchasing Department. All District procurement transactions shall be conducted in an efficient and business-like manner, and shall be based upon the highest standards, ethics, and transparency. Purchasing staff conduct business related to the procurement of products and services on behalf of the District in accordance with all applicable California procurement statutes, laws, and regulations. Procurements will be made on the basis of quality, price (or best value, as appropriate), and delivery terms offered for required materials or services.
The selection of materials and services to be procured is the responsibility of the requisitioning Site or Department. However, the Purchasing Department shall have the authority to require or make recommendations concerning the purchase of equivalent and/or substitute items. Additionally, the Purchasing Department reserves the right to procure the required materials or services from vendors which it selects and considers to offer the most advantageous terms to the District.
The Purchasing Department and District Warehouse together provide a centralized receiving environment for the Roseville City School District. Most district purchases are ordered by, delivered to and processed by Purchasing and District Warehouse personnel. Upon verified receipt, goods and materials are delivered to the requesting departments and sites, usually within 1-2 working days.
Additionally, the Warehouse stocks and delivers Risograph supplies, white copy paper, PPE supplies and laminating film following the annual Warehouse Delivery Schedule. (see attached)
The Purchasing Department staff is available to facilitate sites in acquiring surplus furniture or equipment in addition to the removal and/or disposal of surplus furniture and e-waste. We support departments and sites with regard to printer maintenance and the district fleet of Toshiba copiers, as well as provide information and assistance regarding approved vendors, quotes, bids and any other procurement-related matters.
The Purchasing Department is open Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Penny and Lisa are available at (916) 771-1610, extension 50163 or 50164.
The District Warehouse is open Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Freight receiving hours are posted as 7:30 a.m. until 2:30 p.m.; however, appointments for freight deliveries are encouraged and can be arranged by calling (916) 771-1610, 50163 or 50164.