Special Education

Roseville City School District

Special Education

To ensure that students with disabilities, as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA, 2004), receive a free and appropriate public education, the RCSD provides a continuum of special education programs and services to meet each student’s unique needs. For eligible students, an individualized education plan (IEP) team utilizes present levels of performance to determine areas of need, individualized goals, and the specially designed instruction, related services, and supplemental supports necessary for the student to receive a free and appropriate public education. For more information, please contact your child’s school office or the Educational Support Services office at (916) 771-1605.

The Educational Support Services office is located at: 

1000 Darling Way

Roseville, CA 95678


Susan Fridly

Executive Director of Educational Support Services

  • Email: sfridly@rcsdk8.org 
  • Phone: (916) 771-1605 ext. 50323

Connie Bohnenstiehl

Administrative Assistant

  • Email: cbohnenstiehl@rcsdk8.org 
  • Phone: (916) 771-1605 ext. 50323

Debbie Freeman

Office Specialist – Student Records

  • Email: dfreeman@rcsdk8.org 
  • Phone: (916) 771-1605 ext. 50338

Lesley Heckers

Special Education Data Technician

  • Email: lheckers@rcsdk8.org 
  • Phone: (916) 771-1605 ext. 50324

Program specialists are administrators within the Educational Support Services department who support the overall coordination and implementation of special education services in the district. Each program specialist provides direct support to several school sites, assisting special education staff and parents of students receiving special education services. 

Emily Coleman

Program Specialist 

  • Email: ecoleman@rcsdk8.org 
  • Phone: (916) 771-1605 ext. 50306
  • Schools: Cooley Middle School, Diamond Creek Elementary School, Sargeant Elementary School, Stoneridge Elementary School, and Woodbridge Elementary School

Shannon De Arkland

Program Specialist

  • Email: sdearkland@rcsdk8.org 
  • Phone: (916) 771-1605 ext. 50305
  • Schools: Chilton Middle School, Junction Elementary School, Orchard Ranch Elementary School, Riego Creek Elementary School, and Thomas Jefferson Elementary School

Amy Holland

Program Specialist

  • Email: aholland@rcsdk8.org 
  • Phone: (916) 771-1605 ext. 50373
  • Schools: Eich Middle School, Blue Oaks Elementary School, Cirby Elementary School, Crestmont Elementary School, Fiddyment Farm Elementary School, and Gates Elementary School

Monique Homesley

Program Specialist

  • Email: mhomesley@rcsdk8.org 
  • Phone: (916) 771-1605 ext. 50369
  • Schools: Buljan Middle School, Brown Elementary School, Kaseberg Elementary School, Spanger Elementary School, and Westbrook Elementary School

Placer County SELPA

The Placer County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) supports special education programs and services in school districts across Placer County. All SELPAs have the same basic goal: to deliver high-quality special education programs and services to students with disabilities in the most effective, efficient, and cost-effective manner practicable. The SELPA provides support to parents and districts through resources, professional development, and SELPA governance. Please visit the Placer County SELPA website for more information.

The Placer County SELPA Local Plan, current SELPA Annual Service Plan, and current SELPA Annual Budget Plan can be found on the Placer County SELPA Governance webpage.

Community Advisory Committee

The Placer County SELPA Community Advisory Committee (CAC) is comprised of parents (typically of students receiving special education supports and services) representing each school district in Placer County, along with community members or district staff who support students with special needs and theirfamilies. The CAC serves as an advisory committee to the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA) in reviewing local plan policies and procedures to ensure that parents’ perspectives are considered in the provision of programs and services throughout Placer County. For more information about the CAC and meeting dates and locations, please visit the Placer County SELPA website or contact the Educational Support Services Office at (916) 771-1605.