
Roseville City School District

Escape Online Employee Portal

The Escape Online Employee Portal allows district employees to view their individual payroll and human resource records at their convenience, such as paystubs, leave balances and W2’s. Please use the portal for changes to phone numbers, address and email contact information.


Classified Staff

Stephanie Kamaka, Personnel Analyst at SKamaka@rcsdk8.org 

Certificated Staff

Lori Orr, Personnel Analyst at LOrr@rcsdk8.org 


Job Opportunities

Visit Edjoin on the to view current job opportunities. RCSD substitutes should apply through Edjoin. Learn more on the Substitute Services page of our website. 

Internal Job Opportunities

Internal Job Opportunities are posted at all school sites and departments, including the District office. 


Employee Benefits

The amount you will have to pay per month over the District cap is indicated on the documents listed below on this page. 

The plans offered are Western Health Advantage (WHA) HMO, WHA High Deductible (2 plans), Sutter Health Plus (SHP) HMO, SHP High Deductible (2 plans), Kaiser $25/$10 and Kaiser High Deductible (2 plans). Please note that Kaiser will now include a new high deductible plan with a deductible of $3000. 


Substitute Services

Certificated Substitutes (Teachers)


  • Completed Edjoin application (Click here to apply on Edjoin)
  • Copy of your credential 
    • (If you do not have a credential, please submit proof of a Bachelor’s Degree and CBEST scores with your application.)
  • Three recent letters of recommendation

Wellness Program

The Wellness Program encourages employees to make healthy choices in the areas of physical activity, nutrition, and mindfulness.


Payroll Services

We are dedicated to providing accurate and timely paychecks and other comprehensive payroll-related services to all RCSD employees. To assist you, we have posted a variety of helpful links and forms. If you are unable to locate what you are looking for, please do not hesitate to call or email your designated Payroll Technician.