Payroll Links

Roseville City School District



We are your complete information source for the California Public Employees’ Retirement System, whether you’re a member, employer, business partner, or interested party.


CalSTRS primary responsibility is to provide retirement related benefits and services to teachers in public schools and community colleges

Escape Online Employee Portal

Your Payroll department is now open 24/7. Access your pay stubs, W-2 statements, leave balance and activity, employee demographics and more.

The OMNI Group

You have a lot to do. With The OMNI Group, you can take 403(b) plan compliance off your agenda and be confident that:

MidAmerica (APPLE)

APPLE stands for Accumulation Program for Part-time and Limited service Employees.
This plan is offered as an alternative to Social Security, and provides retirement and
payroll benefits to part-time, seasonal, and temporary employees. To learn more
about how your APPLE plan operates, review your Plan Highlights. You can also
access an online library of helpful Social Security Alternative information consolidated
into one web page, located at

Accessing Your Account Online

You can log into your account at If this is your first time
accessing your plan online, click on Access Account, then Participant Login. On
the next screen, click New User in the top left corner of the login tile. Enter your
Social Security number (no dashes), Birth Date, and Zip Code, then click Next. You’ll
be asked to re-enter your Birth Date and Zip Code and click Next on the Request
Credentials tile. You can now select your security questions, set up your login
credentials, and enter your contact information.

Downloading Forms

Once logged into your account, you are able to access your plan forms by selecting
the Forms option from the Forms & Reports dropdown menu. You can submit your
form through secure online upload at
employees/ or via fax at (863) 688-4200.

Designating a Beneficiary

Once logged into your account, you are able to designate a beneficiary for yourplan. From your landing page, select the settings icon located in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Please note this is a small gear icon. Next, select Beneficiaries. From here you are able to enter your beneficiary information. If you prefer to mail, email or fax your designation to us, you can download our Beneficiary Designation Form by logging into your account and selecting Forms & Reports from the blue header, then Forms. You may also call (800) 430-7999 to make a request.

About Your Investments

Your money is invested for potential growth. To learn more about how your funds were invested, please review your Plan Highlights, which has been included in this welcome kit. For investment management guidance, visit and select Resources.