
Roseville City School District

May 2024
Superintendent's Message

The Home Stretch: Finishing the 2023-2024 School Year Strong

As the sunny days of May arrive and the school year winds down, our students and classrooms begin reflecting on their journey. We often emphasize the fresh start of September, like setting goals and forging ahead with enthusiasm. Winter break serves as a mid-point checkpoint, a chance to assess progress and recharge.

But May is unique – it’s the home stretch, the sprint to the finish line. It’s a time to channel all the hard work and dedication invested throughout the year into a final push. We celebrate the milestones reached: the completed projects, the conquered assessments, and the enriching extracurricular activities. These experiences shaped a memorable school year and created bridges between our students and their newest passions.

On the last day of school, May 30, we will have completed 180 days of instruction. That’s 180 busy mornings, 180 opportunities to make a new friend, 180 days of learning, and 180 chances to bring our best each day. For families and staff members, that’s 180 days of juggling schedules, managing drop-offs, and balancing your needs while supporting our children so they may be their best selves every day. 

As we navigate these final weeks, let’s not overlook any achievement, no matter how small. Let’s remember that every day is an opportunity to learn, grow, and make a positive impact. It’s these daily efforts that have brought us to this point in our journey.

As we approach the finish line together, let’s celebrate our collective achievements, big and small. As we look forward to a summer of memories and rejuvenation, let’s acknowledge the remarkable journey we’ve had this year. A heartfelt thank you to our staff, families, and community members for your invaluable contributions – together, we’ve made this a school year to remember!


Superintendents Article
May 2022

May Means a Strong Finish! 

May means many things at RCSD. The school year is winding down, the weather is beautiful and we’re celebrating Staff Appreciation Week throughout the first week of May. Why do we celebrate staff during this week if we truly appreciate them all year long? Well, because they deserve it. This week, RCSD staff are celebrated across the district and throughout each of our departments. It takes a whole lot of us to provide the services, programs, facilities and resources it takes to support nearly 12,000 students.


Superintendent’s Article
April 2022

Spring has sprung and that means we’re seeing growth all around us. The fields at our sites are green, our students are growing in ways we always work toward and our district itself is growing to support the population growth of the City of Roseville. Our growth can be summed up in one of my favorite quotes from author Anaïs Nin, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” This means that when the time has come to grow, we must grow.


Superintendent’s Message
February 2022

I blinked in August and now it’s February 2022. The march of time is never lost on me as I watch each of your children grow up before my eyes at our 20 school sites. And since February is the month of love, I can’t help but become sentimental over how quickly time passes when you’re doing something you love. I love working alongside RCSD staff and administration, watching them dedicate countless hours to professional development, classroom prep, and showing up as their best selves for their students.


Superintendent’s Message
January 2022

There’s something about January that screams “fresh slate.” Maybe it’s the cold, calm mornings or the post-holiday break energy of our students, but each January feels like a new beginning, even though it’s often a mid-way point for our school year. Students and staff are excited to see each other, new projects and units are kicking off in each classroom and our District is preparing for the 2022-23 school year.


Superintendent’s Message
December 2021

If you’ve been a frequent reader of these monthly articles, you’ll know how much the holiday season means to me. Our students are bubbling over with excitement, staff members are filled with the holiday spirit, and my house is filled with too many sweets. This holiday season feels extra special with a renewed sense of gratitude and joy.


Superintendent’s Message
November 2021

The season of giving thanks is here! Arguably my favorite time of year, November reminds us to pause and find gratitude in all things big and small. It reminds me how thankful I am to watch our 8th graders work towards the end of their RCSD academic journeys and our TK-ers just beginning theirs. It reminds me how thankful I am for our staff who have reached retirement and those who are just beginning their careers in education. From beginning to end, I am thankful to have been part of so many paths here at RCSD.


Superintendent’s Message
October 2021

The Beauty of Fall Traditions 

October begins a truly festive atmosphere at each of our school sites, something I look forward to every year. With Halloween, Thanksgiving, and fall decor, the spirit of autumn lives right here at RCSD. What I will love most about this fall semester is visiting our schools and observing the outstanding teaching, learning, and support that occurs in every classroom. Your children are truly loved and cared for by our staff members. 


Superintendent’s Message
September 2021

Fast fact: Did you know that Roseville’s population has grown more than 23% since
2010? That means Roseville City School District is growing too! With 11,300 students
across 20 school sites (and one Virtual Academy), our District continues to expand,
welcoming new students, families and staff. This school year, we have welcomed 65
new teachers, three new principals, an executive director of communications, directors
of educational services, a program specialist and additional counselors at each middle


Superintendent’s Message
August 2021

And just like that, school is back in session. While I hope you all enjoyed a summer of catching up with friends, family and enjoying the fresh (hot!) air, I can’t help but relish the blank slate the start of a new school year offers. After whirlwind school years in 2019 through 2021, many families might be asking at the start of this year, “What has changed?” 


Superintendent’s Message
July 2021

Aside from the kind of heat that makes me retreat to the air-conditioned indoors, I love July. We are solidly in the middle of summer break, and this midway point of the season usually finds me relaxed and ready to tackle large projects, but I miss our bustling school communities. One program that does keep several of our sites busy throughout the summer is our free summer meals program. With no questions asked and no registration needed, this program feeds anyone 18 years and under with free breakfasts and lunches at select campuses in the area.


Superintendent’s Message
June 2021

As we approach the Summer of 2021, we are all entering the season with a much brighter outlook. For my family, our priority over the next two months will be focusing on the things that truly matter in life–the “things” that give us gratitude, peace, and occasion to make memories. 


Superintendent’s Message
May 2021

When I was a young student (once upon a time), I was impacted by positive experiences and mentors who inspired me to become an educator. Public education is meaningful to our students and our community, and it’s because of the special folks who make up a school district such as our own.


Superintendent’s Message
April 2021

The Year We’ll Always Remember

As I write this article, it is one year to the day that the world as we once knew it changed. What was originally meant to be a two-week break to “flatten the curve” changed our reality in ways we never expected. One year later, the clouds are starting to part and the future is looking brighter each day.


Superintendent’s Message
February 2021

While planning for the 2021-2022 school year is still underway, I believe we have a better sense of what the future may bring compared to the beginning of this school year. Seeing the enrollment and registration forms rolling in from families across the district is a crystal clear reminder of our place in the community: We are here to educate, prepare, protect, guide, and develop the minds of young members of our community: our children.


Superintendent’s Message
January 2021

Just when I was getting the hang of dating things “2020,” it’s 2021. As time marches on, and while we still have our feet firmly planted in the current school year, we’ve begun to focus on planning for 2021-2022. 


Superintendent’s Message
December 2020

I’ve got to admit, the holiday season inevitably makes me nostalgic and this year is no different. Rereading my superintendent’s article from December 2019, I came across this statement: “The future looks so bright that I can’t help but keep looking forward to the goals, milestones, and growth at our fingertips.” It’s clear that at this time last year, we had no idea what was looming around the corner. 


Superintendent’s Message
November 2020

We may not all agree all the time, but here’s where we can agree: The first trimester of the 2020-2021 school year was a learning experience. While distance learning isn’t optimal, I believe #RCSDChampions never shy away from a challenge. With varying degrees of obstacles, life situations, family-work-life imbalances, at the end of the day, we got through it all. 


Superintendent’s Message
October 2020

Fall is upon us and I can’t help but wonder what 2020 has yet to unleash. So many of our experiences have been unpredictable, out of our control, and challenging. While we are working on plans to reopen, we’ve learned that flexibility and adaptability are the names of the game. And the biggest tool in the Roseville City School District toolbox? The input and support from our families, staff, and community. This has helped us ensure we have a forum so all voices can be heard.