Roseville City School District

Kevin Bunnell

Hello parents and students.  We will be doing Long Distance Learning for the remainder of the school year.  All assignments will be posted on Google Classroom. The students will need to log onto Google Classroom via clever.  A two week overview of the lessons and detailed daily lessons are posted on Google Classroom.  I’m excited about the concepts that will be covered.  If you have any questions please send me an email, I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

 Google Classroom Classes and Codes

Block A Math: c2h3h7q

Profile Stoneridge Elementary

Megan Burger
Kindergarten Teacher

Portrait of Megan Burger

Hello! My name is Megan Burger and I’m a kindergarten teacher at Orchard Ranch! I love to sing, dance, learn, read, move, and explore with my students. My students teach me just as much as I teach them. 

“Be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody” -Kid President 

Shannon Burton-Harp
Music Teacher

Shannon Burthon-Harp profile picture

Welcome to Mrs. Harp’s music class

Hello, my name is Mrs. Harp and I teach general music to K-5th grade in the Roseville City School District. I also teach Ukulele Ensemble after school to 4th and 5th graders at Kaseberg and Brown elementary. I am excited to be apart of the music program in the Roseville City School District. Students can expect to learn about various types of instruments, history of specific types of music, sing, and be taught how to play specific instruments per each grade level. I look forward to playing music with your student.