Don Loudon
Please use the Link to visit my real Webpage. Then bookmark the new website on your device.
Donations Always Welcomed
Clorox Wipes, Dry erase markers (large tip), Pencils, napkins, paper plates, utensils, plastic baggies (all sizes), food coloring, small volcanic rocks, stapler, original music CD’s Suitable For Students!, etc.
Tiffany Lynn-Kirkbride
Language Arts and U.S. History Teacher/ELD Coordinator
Welcome! I am looking forward to a fantastic year. All of our unit lessons can be found by choosing “Click Here for Unit Lessons” on the right-hand section of the page. Please contact me with any questions.
Periods 1. 2. and 4 U.S. History: Revolution to Reconstruction
Periods 5 and 6 English Language Development
(916) 771-1720 x19126