Roseville City School District

Matt Huntsman
6th Grade Math/Science

Hi! I am Mr. Huntsman, 6th grade math and science teacher at Buljan Middle School. I enjoy working with students in math and science with high levels of collaboration. My goal is for students to reach their fullest potentials and become lifetime learners. My interests include golf, guitar, travel, and working with students each day.

Math 1/28/19

Content: Today– math homework   Completed packet 6-9

 No hmw

Profile Eich Middle School

Jill Ivie
Library Media Specialist


Monday through Friday: 8:05-2:16 (Open during lunch every day).

Checkout Policies:

Books are checked out for two weeks.

Students with overdue or lost books may not check out another book. Library privileges will resume after the lost/damaged item has been paid for.

Textbook Policies:

Students are responsible for all materials checked out to them.