Roseville City School District

School may be closed, but Ms. Stoppa’s office is OPEN. Come on in!

Thank you for visiting. During these times of school closure and social distancing, we will brave the circumstances best by working together. Whether you are a parent/guardian or a student, please reach out for whatever support you may need and I will help answer questions, provide guidance, or connect you to resources.

Parents/Students: My e-mail address is and I will be checking my email regularly on weekdays. My website is ever-evolving to provide you with resources:

Students: Please fill out this form to request a phone conference or Google hangout meeting with a school counselor or social worker. 

And be sure to join your grade level’s Counseling Google Classroom to get important updates and helpful resources!

Google Classroom Codes

8th grade: z6pu4fv 

7th grade: xlp75ae 

6th grade: xug5zsx 


The 2019-2020 school year is the first year Eich students, families, and staff are supported by both a full-time counselor and social worker. My role as school social worker includes:

  • Individual counseling (drop-ins; brief, goal-directed individual sessions; or crisis response),
  • Group counseling focused on psycho-education and social, emotional, and behavioral skill-building,
  • Coordinating community services and supports for students and their families, 
  • Developing and assisting teachers with appropriate accommodations for students with 504 plans, and
  • Providing consultation and collaborating with educators to improve overall classroom management and individual student progress.

Supports are tailored to students’ and families’ individual needs and are focused on improving attendance, on-time arrivals, academic progress, behavioral expectations, and, perhaps most importantly, overall well-being.

Groups generally offered include:

  • Lunch Bunch ~ A place to make friends and practice the art of socializing.
  • Choices ~ A decision-making skills group designed to teach and provide opportunities for students to practice strategies to improve motivation, impulse control, problem solving, goal setting, time-management, organization, prioritizing, and working well with peers and authority figures. 
  • Wise Minds ~ A coping skills group designed to teach and provide opportunities for students to practice distress tolerance strategies, including identifying feelings, challenging negative thinking, using positive self-talk, practicing mindfulness, and enlisting positive supports.