Frequently Asked Questions
How do I initiate a transfer request?
Inter-District Transfer Requests (in RCSD)
Families residing outside of the Roseville City School District boundaries must initiate the Inter-District application process at their school district of residence by requesting to be released first. Once we receive your approved release form, we will email you a pre-authorization code to register your student(s). Please note: your student(s) has not been approved at this point.
Inter-District Transfer Requests (out of RCSD)
Families residing inside the Roseville City School District boundaries must initiate the Inter-District (out) process by submitting an Inter-District Transfer application.
Intra-District Transfer Requests (within RCSD)
Returning families must initiate the Intra-District process by submitting an Intra-District transfer request on the Parent Portal. However, NEW students will initiate their transfer request on their new student registration.
What school will my child attend?
Enter your address into the interactive school boundary map to view to see your zoned school. If your address is located in a new housing development, the school locator may not recognize it – please contact the District Office to verify your address and receive the pre-authorization code.
If my student is currently attending their Elementary School on an intra-district transfer, do they automatically go to that school’s assigned Middle School?
No. Students will attend the middle school in their residence boundary. To attend a middle school outside their residence boundary, a transfer application must be submitted with a valid transfer reason. *Please note, Chilton and Cooley are closed for transfers.
We have moved outside of our school or district boundaries, can my student stay at their current school?
Please contact your student’s current school site for assistance and provide your new address with your new proof of residency.
What if my request is denied?
You can appeal the denial via the Transfers Appeal Form indicated on the denial notification letter.
I have additional questions.
Please contact your current school site for assistance or feel free to book an appointment with the Registration and Transfers Technician to discuss your matters further.