2022-23 Student Registration Information
Registration for our 2022-23 school year will be opening for priority registration beginning on Monday, January 3, 2022, and will close on Friday, January 28, 2022. This registration will be for all new and returning students, including those individuals seeking an inter or intra-district transfer and those wanting to enroll their student(s) into the Roseville Virtual Academy. Please be on the lookout for an email from the district with a link to our online registration process no later than January 2, 2022.
Please note the following schools have been closed to transfers for the 2022-23 school year due to growth, projected growth, and overflow challenges as new homes are occupied.
- Chilton Middle School
- Junction Elementary
- Orchard Ranch Elementary
- Riego Creek Elementary
- Fiddyment Farm Elementary
- Diamond Creek Elementary
- Blue Oaks Elementary
No new intradistrict or interdistrict transfer will be accepted in the schools listed above. Siblings of students currently attending in 2021-22, and will continue to attend one of the above schools during the 2022-23 school year, may request a transfer during the priority window and will be considered on a space-available basis.
FOR CURRENT 5TH GRADE STUDENTS ONLY – Placement of 6th-grade students is based on your address and not the school your student is currently attending. Use the link provided here to be shown your students currently assigned Middle School for the upcoming 2022-2023 school year.
As a reminder, all students, even those who are returning back to their same school MUST complete the online registration process. Your attention to this is greatly appreciated and helps RCSD know how to best prepare to meet and accommodate all our students’ needs. We hope you have a wonderful Winter Break!