
Roseville City School District

May 2024
Superintendent's Message

The Home Stretch: Finishing the 2023-2024 School Year Strong

As the sunny days of May arrive and the school year winds down, our students and classrooms begin reflecting on their journey. We often emphasize the fresh start of September, like setting goals and forging ahead with enthusiasm. Winter break serves as a mid-point checkpoint, a chance to assess progress and recharge.

But May is unique – it’s the home stretch, the sprint to the finish line. It’s a time to channel all the hard work and dedication invested throughout the year into a final push. We celebrate the milestones reached: the completed projects, the conquered assessments, and the enriching extracurricular activities. These experiences shaped a memorable school year and created bridges between our students and their newest passions.

On the last day of school, May 30, we will have completed 180 days of instruction. That’s 180 busy mornings, 180 opportunities to make a new friend, 180 days of learning, and 180 chances to bring our best each day. For families and staff members, that’s 180 days of juggling schedules, managing drop-offs, and balancing your needs while supporting our children so they may be their best selves every day. 

As we navigate these final weeks, let’s not overlook any achievement, no matter how small. Let’s remember that every day is an opportunity to learn, grow, and make a positive impact. It’s these daily efforts that have brought us to this point in our journey.

As we approach the finish line together, let’s celebrate our collective achievements, big and small. As we look forward to a summer of memories and rejuvenation, let’s acknowledge the remarkable journey we’ve had this year. A heartfelt thank you to our staff, families, and community members for your invaluable contributions – together, we’ve made this a school year to remember!


Superintendent’s Message
February, 2019

Each year, many of us create lists: things we’d like to change, improve or focus on in our lives. 

But what about creating a list that takes stock of what we love about our lives and communities? Things that make us who and what we are. This year, I’d like to list a few things I appreciate most about Roseville City School District:

Our staff. They bring their best to the classroom each day, investing time, energy and genuine care into their students. Their commitment to academic excellence raises the bar with each passing year.


Superintendent’s Message
January, 2019

A new year signifies a blank slate and an opportunity to start fresh with goals. While most feel a renewed sense of purpose with a new calendar year, those of us in education acknowledge our year really starts with the school year. January is the time when both of those calendars come together. As we welcome 2019, our district is already preparing for the 2019 – 2020 school year. Yes, that’s right! It’s time to enroll new, returning and transferring students.


Superintendent’s Message
November 2018

As we “fall” into a new school year routine and a new season, I am feeling extra thankful to lead a school district full of eager and ready-to-be challenged students and staff. What more could I ask for?

Our families, staff and school board members create a community of schools, making each day a valuable opportunity for our more than 11,000 students to shine. This fall, while I give thanks to the familiar faces I get to work alongside every day, I am pleased to welcome two new school board members who will join our hard-working and dedicated team of RCSD Champions.


Superintendent’s Message
October, 2018

The Roseville City School District community of students, staff, parents, and guardians is growing! Your child spends so much of their time with us, learning, creating and growing every day. This requires enough resources to sustain their curiosity, desire to learn and provide the facilities needed to support all our students. Here is a snapshot of our District by the numbers:


Superintendent’s Message
September, 2018

Roseville has been a growing community since its incorporation in 1909. Did you know that 100 years ago, the city’s population hovered around 4,000 residents? With the city’s daytime population now around 135, 000, our school district is serving more than 11,000 TK-8th grade students in 19 schools. That’s the highest enrollment we’ve experienced to date!


Superintendent’s Message
August, 2018

The Board of Education and I would like to welcome you to the Roseville City School District and the 2018-19 school year.  More than 11,000 TK – 8th-grade children arrive every day ready to learn in one of our nineteen safe and caring schools.  Teachers and classified staff work diligently to provide meaningful learning opportunities for every child, while engaged parents are active in their school communities.  All indicators are pointing in positive directions for Roseville City.