Roseville City School District

April 2024
Superintendent's Message


A Season of Transition 

As April graces us with warmer days and longer sunshine, we find ourselves in another season of change. While families anticipate transitions from one grade to the next, with many middle schoolers stepping up to high school, our dedicated staff gears up for the final stretch of the academic year.

After a well-deserved spring break, students and staff are preparing for state testing, which includes the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP). These standardized assessments in English Language Arts, math, and science (for 5th and 8th graders) align with California Common Core State Standards, providing valuable insights into student progress and guiding instruction. Educators, schools, and the district then use these assessment results to evaluate student performance, identify areas for improvement, and inform instructional practices.

To help your child feel prepared, encourage them to rest well, fuel up with a nutritious breakfast, approach the tests with confidence, and do their best. For extra practice, explore practice tests together and reassure them that giving their all is all that matters – we’re already proud of their hard work!

A major component of how we ensure our students excel is by effectively staffing our sites and programs to support all students. This sometimes means an increase in staffing needs, so we’re actively seeking individuals of strong character who are caring, competent, and compassionate. If you or someone you know fits the bill, explore our open positions at!

As we navigate this season of transition together, our focus remains on supporting students to finish the year strong. Your continued partnership in education is the backbone of our success as a district community. Thank you!