Parent and Staff Communication: March 9, 2020
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The safety of students, staff, and community continues to be our highest priority. We care deeply about all RCSD students, families, and staff and will continue to share information and decisions in a timely manner. Starting tomorrow, the Roseville City School District will provide daily communication to our families regarding COVID-19 (also known as Coronavirus) on our district website ( The situation is fluid and rapidly changing. We appreciate your flexibility and understanding as decisions are made in the best interest of our children and staff in consultation with Placer County Health.
Placer County Health declared a local health emergency to ensure public health officials have all the necessary tools at their disposal to keep our community safe. They elevated Placer County’s COVID-19 status from ‘containment to community mitigation’ today. The Roseville City School District continues to work with the local agencies to determine appropriate actions and evaluate next steps.
At this time, based on information provided by the Placer County Health Officials, all RCSD schools remain open.
School Closure Notifications
In the event a decision is made to close a school, you will be notified by email. The RCSD website and social media channels will be updated with school closure information as well. While we do not know if a school will close, we do ask that you please start thinking about and planning for extended child care.
School day and Evening events
Please reference this document from the California Department of Public Health. The Roseville City School District is now operating within Scenario II. Under Scenario II, it states:
Consider alternates to congregate or group programming within the school, including any large or communal activities such as assemblies. Alternate approaches that limit close contact may include conducting assemblies via webcasts or intercom announcements.
Based on their recommendation, we are evaluating all field trips, student performances, and community events. We ask that you self-monitor and stay home if you are not feeling well. If a decision is made to cancel an event(s), we will contact you by email.
Volunteers are still allowed on campus; however, if you do not feel well, please stay home.
If your child has any symptoms, please keep them home from school. We are adhering to the Education Code for excused absences. A family keeping a student home because they are worried about COVID-19 needs to know that the absence will not be an excused absence. We are not allowed to excuse absences based on fear of contagion. Public Health officials have assured us that if a student or staff member becomes at risk, they will notify us immediately.
Precautionary measures recommended by the California Department of Public Health
Members of the general public and our school communities should continue their efforts to reduce the spread of respiratory illnesses, including COVID-19 by washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, cover your cough or sneeze, stay home if you are sick and continue to disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and following guidance from public health officials.
Cleaning Efforts to Mitigate Exposure to COVID-19
As we mentioned in our email on March 3rd, our sites are taking extra precautions by increasing our cleaning schedules for commonly touched surfaces such as desks, tables, and doorknobs. These areas are cleaned on a nightly basis to reduce the spread of germs. We are also asking staff to ensure students are washing their hands regularly.
Thank you for allowing us to serve you and your children. We will do everything in our power to keep them safe, loved, and learning. We look forward to seeing our students at school tomorrow morning.