Parent and Staff Communication: August 19, 2020
Reopen and Remain Open
With the news that Placer County has been removed from the COVID-19 Monitoring List as of today, we felt it was important to convey what that means for our district and how we are planning to return students to school this year.
While we believe this is a step in the right direction, our goal is not to just reopen schools, but to remain open. When we can safely do so, we will return to in-person instruction through a series of stages outlined below and in the Reopen and Remain Open attachments. We plan to continue with distance learning for most students through October 30, 2020.
Stage I: Distance learning for all students. (current stage)
Stage II: Distance learning continues for most students. Some Special Education students, English Learner students, and Intervention students may be able to return to school for required services, assessments, and instruction. To enter Stage II, Placer County must remain off of the monitoring list for 14 consecutive days, so the earliest we could begin Stage II is after Labor Day.
Stage III: Hybrid model. Students could potentially return to school Wednesday, November 4, 2020, the first day of the second trimester.
Stage IV: Traditional model with restrictions.
Stage V: Traditional model with no restrictions.
The California Department of Public Health Guidelines prevents us from offering the traditional schedule model at this time due to our inability to accommodate all students while maintaining physical distancing.
Parents will select the full-time year-long at home distance learning program or the hybrid model for their child(ren) the week of September 28, 2020.
Based on student registrations, we will form new classes in October, reassign teachers and prepare our facilities for Stage III. There is the potential that more students could return to in-person instruction on November 4, 2020, the first day of the second trimester.
While reopening plans vary by district, our intent has been to provide families and staff consistency and stability, while balancing the needs of our students. As conditions allow, we plan to transition from a hybrid model to a more traditional model. If conditions decline, we will move from a hybrid model back to distance learning.
Please review the attached Board approved Reopen and Remain Open planning documents for specific details related to the reopening stages, health precautions and protocols, transportation, food services, and student activities. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions after reviewing the Reopen and Remain Open documents.
Derk Garcia